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Assessments to Support Your Leaders and Organization

360-degree Leadership Assessment 

THIS IS FOR:  Supervisors, managers, and individuals on leadership tracks.


OVERVIEW: The 360-degree Leadership Assessment is an instrument designed to provide feedback on the behaviors that are important for leadership effectiveness and are consistent with the core values of high performing teams. This 360-degree assessment is based on thirteen core values and leadership competencies and had been demonstrated reliable in its use with leadership and mentoring programs.


BENEFITS: The 360-degree Leadership Assessment provides a well-rounded and broad view of the leader and his/her general management practices. The multiple perspectives captured, along with the self-assessment comparison, provide insights into the leader’s blind spots and perceived competency gaps. 

The report provides the leader insight into potential areas for personal development, key skills and behaviors that may need to be enhanced or demonstrated in a different way, and provides specific ideas for action.

INVESTMENT: $300 per assessment and includes a one-hour debrief/coaching session.

Contact us for more information or to initiate your assessment.

360-degree Assessment (non-leader positions)

THIS IS FOR:  Individuals in support positions, customer service, and other non-leadership roles.


OVERVIEW: The 360-degree Assessment (for individuals not in leadership positions) is an instrument designed to provide feedback on the behaviors that are important for those who play key supportive roles within the organization and for those considered frontline professionals. This 360-degree Assessment is based on thirteen core values and behaviors considered essential for ensuring effective and professional relationships, quality work, and personal awareness. 


BENEFITS: The 360-degree Assessment’s primary benefit is in creating awareness regarding the individual’s personal brand as perceived by others. The multiple perspectives captured, along with the self-assessment comparison, provide insights into blind spots and unintended perceptions held by others due to behavior.

The report provides the individual insight into potential areas for personal development, key skills and behaviors that may need to be enhanced or demonstrated in a different way, and provides specific ideas for action.


INVESTMENT: $300 per assessment; optional one-hour debrief/coaching session.

Contact us for more information or to initiate your assessment.

Leadership Attribute Assessment

THIS IS FOR: Supervisors, managers, and individuals on leadership tracks.


OVERVIEW: The Leadership Attribute Inventory is a self-assessment designed to identify accelerators to performance. This instrument was specifically designed to support the ongoing development of leaders at all levels by assessing (1) relative proficiency on 46  attributes associated with highly effective leaders, (2) the individual’s preferred leadership style, (3) the individual's mindset, and (4) areas of greatest opportunity to accelerate performance in alignment with personal goals. The instrument has been used as the primary guiding assessment for leadership development programs nearly 30 years. It has been demonstrated to be valid and reliable tool for identifying opportunities likely to enhance and accelerate leadership performance.


BENEFITS:The Leadership Attribute Inventory provides a focused perspective of the leader’s knowledge and behaviors relative to 46 key leadership attributes. The report specifically highlights those attributes in which the individual scored proficient or highly proficient, as well as identifies those with the greatest opportunity for enhancement as a means positively impact performance and long-term leadership success.

A second area is focused on the leader’s style relative to a leadership development index. The report provides clarity regarding one’s “preferred” style of leadership and the relative position of that on a leadership developmental scale. The awareness serves to guide in the formation of a strategy to develop a more effective leadership style.

The third area is focused on mindset. Mindset has been found to be a significant differentiator of leadership success and is highly correlated to resiliency.

The final element of the report summarizes the individual’s goals relative to growth opportunities. This ensures future investments in training and development are appropriately aligned to individual motives, optimizing the likelihood in achieving desired results. 


INVESTMENT: The Leadership Attribute Inventory base price is $225 and includes access to the online assessment and a report summarizing the results. A personalized debriefing/coaching session is available with an Executive Coach for an additional cost of $150 when purchased at the time of the assessment. (Group rates are available and include an aggregated report identifying optimal training opportunities for the participating group.)

Contact us to learn more about the value of this tool.

Customized Assessments

Soulful Leadership has expertise able to support development and hosting of customized needs assessments, online satisfaction surveys, and other forms of online questionnaires.


Contact us to discuss your organization's needs.   

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